Polaris 1-800-997-4770 *
Personal coaching for professional and life management
Profile of Carole Landis

My Coaching Philosophy
How Does Coaching Work?
Is Coaching Right for You? Take the Quiz!
What is Coaching?
What are People Saying?

Is Coaching Right for You? Take the Quiz! * *
How Coachable Are You?

INSTRUCTIONS: Select the number that comes closest to reflecting how true the statement is for you now. Then, select the "Show My Score" button, and your score will be be revealed. Both you and your coach need to agree that coaching will benefit your lifestyle, well-being, and the particular situations you are facing. This index is a guide to help both of you determine your potential as a good coaching client, at this time.

The higher numbers (5, 4) are more true; the lower numbers (1, 2) are less true.
  < Less True   More True >
This is the right time of my life to receive coaching.
I will be honest (tell what is really true) with the coach.
I will honor my appointments, and can be relied upon to be on time for all calls.
I am fully willing to do the work and let the coach do the coaching.
I keep my word without struggling or sabotaging.
I am willing to eliminate or modify the self-defeating behaviors that limit my success.
I will trust that the coach's suggestions and ideas are for my benefit, and am open to "try on" new concepts or different ways of approaching things.
I can work my budget so that I have adequate funds to pay for coaching, and will not regret or suffer about the fee. I view coaching as a worthwhile investment in my life.
If I feel that I am not getting what I need or expect from the coach, I will share this as soon as I sense it and ask for what I want and need from the relationship.
I am someone who can share the credit for my success with the coach.
How Coachable Are You?
Your Score
[ 50 - 41 ] Very coachable; ask the coach to ask a lot from you!
[ 40 - 31 ] Coachable.
[ 30 - 21 ] Coachable, but make sure ground rules are honored.
[ 20 - 10 ] Would not benefit from coaching at this time.
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